Shipping Information
When you order from Cstore1 you have two shipping charge options:
BEST OPTION - Cstore1's Freight Saver Plan
Freight Saver members pay ZERO shipping or handling charges on all items marked with this logo. It's easy to join and costs only $60 for 1 full year's worth of savings (365 days). To join or renew, simply click here and add the Freight Saver Plan to your shopping cart.
The Freight Saver Plan covers all standard shipping charges for items delivered to the United States. We normally ship via FedEx Ground, US Mail, or Motor freight.
Due to their large size or weight, a few items are not covered by the Freight Saver Plan. These items are clearly marked with a Shipping Charge Map similar to the one shown below. Use this color-coded map to determine the shipping charges for these items based upon the state they are being delivered to. This dollar amount, per item, will be automatically added to your order. Freight Saver members still pay zero handling charges for these items.

A Special Note to our Alaska and Hawaii Customers:
The freight Saver Plan also covers the standard shipping charge for most items delivered to AK & HI, but there are additional exceptions to the program. These items are all clearly marked. We will contact you via phone or email with the shipping charges for these items. You will have the opportunity to approve or reject these charges before your credit card is charged and your order is shipped. A current listing of all excluded items is available upon request.
If you are not a member of our Freight Saver Plan, it's still easy to calculate your shipping charges. For most items simply identify your shipping zone on the above map and apply the following formula: Zone A - add 10% of product value, Zone B - add 12%, Zone C - add 15%, and Zone D - add 30%.
Due to their large size or weight, a few items have their shipping charge calculated differently. These items are clearly marked with a Shipping Charge Map similar to the one shown above. Use this color-coded map to determine the shipping charges for these items based upon the state they are being delivered to. This dollar amount, per item, will be automatically added to your order.
We normally ship via FedEx ground, US Mail, or Motor Freight.
A $3.00 handling charge per shipment address will be added to all orders